How to Host Effective Virtual Board Meetings
If it’s to cut down on time and costs on travel, give more flexibility for board members or improve communication, virtual meetings are becoming increasingly common. The benefits are obvious however they’re not without pitfalls. Virtual meetings can be just as effective as traditional meetings when they’re well-planned. However there are a few things to consider when planning and hosting such events.
Be sure that everyone has the correct equipment and software. It isn’t easy to keep the entire board engaged when there are technical issues that prevent attendees from communicating with one another and interacting with presentations, or using their camera. It is a good idea to give all attendees detailed instructions on how to check their cameras, microphones and speakers prior to the start of the meeting to avoid any issues.
It is important to ensure that the agenda is established prior to the meeting to ensure that discussions remain focused. If you do not create an agenda, the meeting could be slowed down by side-bars. Also, ensure that every topic is covered within the timeframe that you set to keep your attendees from feeling as if nothing was accomplished or that their time was squandered.
It is difficult to replicate the camaraderie experienced during board meetings in person. There are ways to enhance your virtual experience by incorporating exciting and enjoyable activities like breakout sessions or a quiz. Also, make use of regular feedback loops to collect information on how each participant and director is participating in the meeting, what they feel works and doesn’t and what can be improved next time.